Grading Policy
Homework Policy

Homework accounts for 15% of the marking period grade.  Regardless of how many three-point homework assignments are given in a marking period, the "total points" will only contribute towards 15% of the grade.  The other 85% is comprised of classroom assessments (quizzes, tests, projects, labs, etc.).

Three Points
assignment is fully complete and on-time
Two Points assignment is only partially completed OR assignment is turned in one day late
One Point:  assignment is turned in late by more than one day
(assignments will be accepted until the end of the marking period)
Zero Points assignment is never completed

If a child is absent, he/she has two (2) days to complete the assignment upon return.
Example:  Sarah is absent on Tuesday.  Any assignments handed out on Tuesday need to be returned to the teacher by Friday.
Extended absences will be dealt with on a case-by-case scenario.


"Pink Slip" Policy
  If a student does not turn in an assignment, he/she will receive a "pink slip" to fill out.  This serves as a reminder that an assignment is overdue. The student is to then follow individual teacher directions on how to submit the late assignment.